Fit guy dating fat girl

Dating > Fit guy dating fat girl

Gloria Shuri Nava, 25, from San Jose, is overweight. Her 22-year-old boyfriend of 18 months, Ali, who she met online, is 'fit and muscular' ; and according to Miss Nave, many people can't comprehend why he would want to date her. Miss Nava's YouTube channel,where she reviews beauty products and shares details about her life, has more than fay subscribers. What is wrong with the world? The pair met online in 2009, after Ali, who currently lives in Glasgow Scotland and is moving to California this summer to get his PhD in clinical psychology, saw one of Miss Nava's videos. They began instant messaging, and for two-and-a-half years, spent hours talking online, developing a close bond from thousands of miles away - and each knew exactly what the other looked like. I turned around and saw him walking toward me with a huge smile on his face,' she recalls. I thought to myself, He's my boyfriend, and he's here! My goal is lose 80 pounds total, and he's very supportive. Lesson learning: Miss Nava explained that 'Beauty and relationships come in all shapes and sides: brown, yellow, short, tall, thin, fat - and one partner doesn't have to mirror the gu 'Before Ali, I never showed any skin whatsoever, but he makes me feel confident going out in a cute little fit guy dating fat girl that doesn't cover me head-to-toe. I can wear a sleeveless dress, shorts - things that typically people don't want to see me wearing -and not care. That's a lesson that Ali taught me, and now I want to cat it to the rest of the world,' she said.

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